The fall in imports was due to weaker demand for industrial supplies and capital goods. 进口下降是由于对工业用品和资本货物的需求较弱。
Purchases of industrial supplies and capital goods narrowed sharply, while the price of oil and the amount that was imported both fell. 工业品和资本品采购额大幅缩减,而油价和石油进口都出现下降。
Due to its deficiency of natural resources and limited variety of industrial products, so that no matter in the daily consumption goods of residents to the capital goods for industry, both rely on overseas supplies. 由于欠缺自然资源,加上工业产品种类狭隘,致使无论是居民日常所需之消费品,以至工业用资本货物,均须依赖外地提供。
Other sectors of the national economy of agriculture to provide food, food, industrial raw materials, capital and export goods, is supporting national economic construction and development of basic products. 农业为国民经济其他部门提供粮食、副食品、工业原料、资金和出口物资,是支撑国民经济建设与发展的基础产品。